Over 40 years experience specialising in:
Electrolysis – Permanent Hair Removal
Thread Vein Removal
Skin Tag Removal
Details and prices below:
Electrolysis – Permanent Hair Removal
Catherine has specialised in the successful treatment of electrolysis for the past 40 years and receives many medical referrals.
Electrolysis is a permanent method of removing undesired hair from the face or body.
Today’s medical electrolysis uses a diathermy current to destroy the growth centre of the hair with heat energy. After a very fine, sterile, disposable needle is inserted into the hair follicle, a very short current is applied and the hair is removed with tweezers.
If the hair is strong, a process of weakening is required with repeat regular treatment. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area will vary from person to person.
There are generally no permanent side effects, but sometimes a temporary, slight reddening of the skin may occur.
Most clients attend sessions once a week or every other week, as the hair weakens the treatments can become less regular. The unwanted hair will be gone forever once the series of treatments is complete. Each session lasts 10 to 15 minutes.
Many factors influence hair growth, unwanted or excessive hair growth often is the result of a heredity factor or hormone levels. Some drugs, illnesses, and temporary methods of hair removal like plucking and shaving can also stimulate hair growth.
Most areas of the body can be safely treated with electrolysis: the face, including the upper lip, chin, neck, and eyebrows; abdomen; nipples; and bikini line.
Cost of Electrolysis Treatment:
Free consultation – £25 per 15 minute session
Permanent Red/Thread Vein Removal
With Catherine’s clinical background this is another area she specialises in, treating: Fine Thread Veins over cheeks and around nose, Spider Nevi, Acne Rosacea, and Red Spots.
The exact causes of thread veins are not known but along with hereditary factors it is thought heat, sun damage, alcohol, and hormonal changes act as a trigger.
Laser treatment is not particularly beneficial for many face veins, especially those located around the nose. Catherine spends time correcting the problems caused by laser treatment.
Using the same diathermy machine as for electrolysis with a sterile disposable needle, the diathermy current is applied along the surface of the vein penetrating the tissue approximately 0.5mm – 2mm which does not have any adverse affects. The thread vein is cauterised and immediately disappears.
Cost of Red/Thread Vein Treatment:
Free consultation – Test patch: £25 – Per treatment: £75
Permanent Skin Tag Removal
Skin tags are small, soft growths that hang off the skin. They are similar to warts, but they are not contagious, and do not usually cause any pain or discomfort. They are very common and harmless.
Skin tags are particularly common in older people though they can happen to anyone, at any time. While it is thought they grow where the skin rubs against itself or clothing, many people develop them for no apparent reason.
Skin tags are usually only a few millimetres in size, although can be as big as 5cm in rare cases.
Skin tags are usually found on the neck, under the armpits, under the breasts, or around the groin. They can also grow on the eyelids or under the folds of the buttocks.
Although skin tags are harmless and often painless, you may want to consider getting them removed if they are unsightly and affect your self-esteem, or if they snag on clothing or jewellery and bleed.
Using the same diathermy machine as for electrolysis with a sterile disposable needle, the skin tag is quickly and permanently cauterised using the tip of the needle and removed. This procedure is surprisingly painless.
Cost of Skin Tag Treatment:
Free consultation – Test patch: £25 – Per treatment: £75
07855 758 773
Email for more information:
Cherrydown Farm, Crown Road
Whitemoor, St Austell
PL26 7XH